Install and Configure PostgreSQL (Check)

Hi All, Not sure what is the mistake. I followed the instruction.

  1. Downloaded and installed postgres
  2. created db
  3. created role with superuser privileges
  4. changed the owner of the db to the created user
  5. granted all the privileges to the user to the DB
  6. alter the password to use the md5 hash generated
  7. changed the hba config file to use md5 instead of trust for both local and host

Can please help to take a look into my session./

Hi @rksakthiraam

Possibly you had some miss-configuration in hba conf that is why you were not able to login to postgresql using credentials you created. Below is the screenshot from your original answer.


Hi @Inderpreet please could you check my work. I have the assurance that my work is correct as per the task asked. The reason of failure is a little bit weird, since I have created the user and database, and granted the user all the privileges on the database. The reason states that neither the user nor the db exists.
Appreciate in advance and waiting for your reply;
Best regards,