Install and Configure DB Server - no config files WP

Всем привет!

Выполняю следующую задачу:

We recently migrated one of our WordPress websites from an old server to a new infrastructure in `Stratos Datacenter` . We have already set up LAMP, except for the database. We have also restored website code; however, we need to restore the database to make it work on the new infra. Please perform the below given steps on DB host:

a. Install/Configure MariaDB server.

b. Create a database with name `kodekloud_db5` .

c. There is a DB dump on `jump_host` under location `/home/thor/db.sql` . Restore this database in newly created database.

d. Create a user `kodekloud_cap` and set any password you like.

e. Grant full permissions to user `kodekloud_cap` on database `kodekloud_db5` .

f. Update database-related details in `/data/wp-config.php` file on storage server, which is our NFS server having a share `/data` mounted on each app server on location `/var/www/html` . (for more details about how to update WordPress config file please visit `` )

g. You can access the website on LBR link; to do so click on the `+` button on top of your terminal, select option `Select port to view on Host 1` , and after adding port `80` click on `Display Port` .

Проблема возникает на пункте f, когда необходимо править /data/wp-config.php на ststor01, но каталог пуст [natasha@ststor01 ~]$ ls /data/


Я в затруднении.



tar -xvf latest.tar.gz

все работает отлично, вопрос исчерпан :sweat_smile: