Install and configure DB server - Mariadb

Hi @kodekloud-support3, @Inderpreet,
@peterwhite (I see you have done this task before and assist many, any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance).

I have almost completed this task and validated from all app servers, i was able to connect to the newly created and imported database, but when i tried to validate it from LBR by clicking Select port on Host1, it gave me “502 bad gateway” error. Still i have validated it from all the app servers and it looks good. wp-config file was successfully configured/mounted on all app severs and I was able to remotely connect to the DB server and view the restored DB from ALL app servers.

Kindly review my logs and update. As of now i have not submitted my task, since i got “502 bad gateway” error. Screenshot attached.

Did you try to check your website using curl command or something to make sure website is loading fine?

No, I didn’t checked that.

Seems a temporary glitch was at that time. I have re-visited that task and now its completed successfully.

Thank you all

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@Inderpreet i am getting 502 Bad Gateway

nginx/1.15.12 when selecting Select port to view on Host What about curl response? did you try to test using curl ? Can you please share the output.

@Inderpreet There seemed to be a glitch, I did the same thing and it worked this time. Thanks for following up.