In the CKA and CKAD exam: Do we get to install script from github which might he . . .

Aroup Goldar Dhruba:
In the CKA and CKAD exam: Do we get to install script from github which might help us with short cuts? Like kubectx and kubens?

I was thinking about a script which might help me with aliases.

Hi there, You allow only to open 1 tab in browser. Another option is to get this from the terminal - you can do whatever you want. Personally, I installed “bc” and “paste” utilities to track count of questions.

Aroup Goldar Dhruba:
thanks so, I can install any script from the terminal.

curl -s <> &gt;&gt; ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc 


I think yes, but I’m no a proctor :wink:. At least you have to install k8s updates - so, you are able to install packages or get yaml files from the approved git repo in the exam

frankly speaking, I didn’t use any aliases/the Only 1 comes to my mind is alias k=kubectl.
If you use them while preparing for the exam - you have muscle memory, and in this case, it’s useful for you.

Aroup Goldar Dhruba:
Thanks for the information. I was thinking about a script my friend made which might be handy during the exam.

If anyone’s interested:

:thumbsup: looks interesting. Thank you for sharing

Barahalikar Siddharth:
AFAIK do not use any scripts. The proctor might stop the test.

Aliases are just a few, memorize them and type them,

alias k=kubectl
alias kn='k config set-context --current --namespace '
alias kd='k -o yaml --dry-run=client'
alias kall='k get all -o wide --show-labels'
alias kc='k config get-contexts'

Fernando Jordan Silva:
Hello. The scripts are forbidden. The proctor can stop the exam at any time

Aroup Goldar Dhruba:
Thanks for confirming.