In Practice Test of Persistent Volumes and PV Claims: A PV is created with 100Mi . . .

Phani M:
In Practice Test of Persistent Volumes and PV Claims:
A PV is created with 100Mi capacity. In the PVC definition we made a request for 50Mi, but after creation, describe pvc shows 100Mi. What is the reason? I expected it to be 50Mi and be available for any future additional claims.
If some other claim is made from the same PV with same Mode, will the claim be served?

When you create a PVC it will look for best possible PVs and matches it in terms of capacity, storageclass and accessmode. As you had only 1 PV within the entire cluster the only best match for the PVC is the 100Mi PV. The PV cannot be shared by multiple PVCs, so you get the entire PV size for your PVC as 100Mi.

Phani M:
Oh Ok. Thank you @Sampathkaran