Image creation demo, unable to install pip ubuntu 20.04

Ωmand not found

apt-get install python-pip produces the error E: Unable to locate package python-pip

I tried : pip install --upgrade pip and got

root@4b96323b1bdf:/# No module named pipbash: pip: command not found
someone with a similar issue  tried:apt-get install software-properties-common  .... Works fine and seems to setup some python 3 packagesie service → /lib/systemd/system/unattended-upgrades.service.Setting up python3-chardet (3.0.4-4build1) ...Setting up python3-gi (3.36.0-1) ...Setting up shared-mime-info (1.15-1) .my next commands used were:apt-add-repository universe   ..................Works fine and the feed back is universe' distribution component is already enabled for all sources.apt-get update..... OK
apt-get install python-pip But it fails again : Building dependency tree       Reading state information... DoneE: Unable to locate package python-pip
i tried  this sequence :root@4b96323b1bdf:/# apt-cache search pip | grep pythonpython-django-pipeline-doc - Documentation for Django Pipeline librarypython-networking-bagpipe-doc - Driver and agent code to use BagPipe implementation (common documentaiton)python-pip-whl - Python package installerpython-ruffus-doc - documentation for python-ruffus computation pipeline librarypython3-apipkg - namespace control and lazy-import mechanism for Python 3python3-cpl - Control pipeline recipes from the ESO (Python3)python3-django-pipeline - Asset packaging library for Django (Python3 version)python3-joblib - tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Pythonpython3-networking-bagpipe - Driver and agent code to use BagPipe implementation (Python 3)python3-pip - Python package installerpython3-pipdeptree - display dependency tree of the installed Python 3 packagespython3-ruffus - Python3 computation pipeline library widely used in bioinformaticsroot@4b96323b1bdf:/#


dpkg -l | grep python

to see if python is installed

and then Finally tried

python3 -m pip

the result is  :"No module named pip"

I have done this operation several times during the week Not sure what else to try and install PIP please help.
