I was practicing for Mock Exam Q7 but getting below error while doing nslookup f . . .

Rahul Tiwari:
I was practicing for Mock Exam Q7 but getting below error while doing nslookup for service and pod. Can someone please help me on this.

Pratik Patel:
Not completely sure but seems like nslookup is timing out

try this
kubectl run test-ns --image=busybox:1.28 --rm -it --restart=Never – nslookup web-service

Rahul Tiwari:
Thank you for the help kalyani it is working fine for me

Hello, @Rahul Tiwari
Please If you get stuck somehow. You can find the solution in kodekloud github repo.

Rahul Tiwari:
@Tej_Singh_Rana Got it. thank you very much