I think there was no topic on how to increase storage size of PVC without deleti . . .

Pawan Kumar:
I think there was no topic on how to increase storage size of PVC without deleting it in CKA course? Anyone having any good link where it is explained better?

Mohamed Ayman:
You can try with kubectl edit pvc pvc-name --record but only dynamically provisioned PVC can be resized and the storageclass that provisions the PVC must support resize.

Regarding the resize of PVC which is associated with PV, you will need to delete the PVC then resize It and create It again.

In the exam, you can use kubectl patch
Check this:

Hi Mohamed Ayman,
I tried creating the Storage Class, PV, PVC and attached PVC to Pod using the yaml files from Patching Kubernetes Resources – runlevl4

But I see PVC is in Pending state even after using it in the POD.