I have created a nginx deployment with 4 replicas and clusterip svc to access it . . .

Chandru M:
i have created a nginx deployment with 4 replicas and clusterip svc to access it. for some reason I am not able to access the service with clusterip. the pods and svc are running fine but still not reachable. Not sure how to debug further? Any suggestions will be appreciated. I am using ubuntu os and minikube v1.18.1 with Docker 20.10.2

Hello, @Chandru M
If you’re trying to access nginx apps outside of the cluster then you have to create a nodePort service instead of clusterIP service.
From clusterIP svc, you can access nginx apps within a cluster not from outside. You can use the kubectl port-forward command…

Chandru M:
i tried node port too it is also not working. I am trying to access the url with in my local machine.

Chandru M:
My bad i wasn’t using the node ip and was trying to use the machine ip. Its working now after using the node ip.