I have a doubt regarding upgrading cluster Version. In the Practice Test Cluster . . .

dinesh bisht:
I have a doubt regarding upgrading cluster Version. In the Practice Test Cluster Upgrade process lab, in one of the question it was asked to upgrade the cluster to 1.19.0 version

current version of cluster => v1.18.0
latest table available version for upgrade > v1.18.15

Do we need to first upgrade the cluser to v1.18.15 and then to 1.19.0. How the upgrade should be done? If we directly upgrade from v1.18.0 to V1.19.0 will will miss the changes done from v1.18.1 to v1.18.5

Mohamed Ayman:
No, you can upgrade directly to 1.19.0

Mohamed Ayman:
To upgrade the master node, run

kubectl drain master/controlplane --ignore-daemonsets
apt update
apt install kubeadm=1.19.0-00
kubeadm upgrade apply v1.19.0
apt install kubelet=1.19.0-00
kubectl uncordon master

Mohamed Ayman:
To upgrade the worker nodes, run

master$ kubectl drain node01 --ignore-daemonsets
master$ ssh node01
node01$ apt update
node01$ apt install kubeadm=1.19.0-00
node01$ apt install kubelet=1.19.0-00
node01$ kubeadm upgrade node 
master$ kubectl uncordon node01

Mohamed Ayman:
You can also look at the Kubernetes documentation:

dinesh bisht:
Thanks, so there is no need to upgrade to the latest patch-version (1.18.5) of the same minor-version (1.18.0) before upgrading to the next minor version (1.19.0)