^^ I basically was wondering why 6 specific, When I provide other number than th . . .

^^ I basically was wondering why 6 specific, When I provide other number than that I end up getting empty data in $client


And please don’t ask your question on all channels. One is enough. Only if you don’t get an answer after some time should you ask elsewhere

Thanks a lot @OE, Thank you for alerting me. Won’t be repeated again :man-bowing:

So client-certificate-data goes like this, Its field 6 because its counting the beginning of the spaces as 4 fields?

-d" " = delimeter is an empty space
-f6 = the 6th column

counting of fields starts before the first delimeter is matched

you have 4 empty spaces before the word client-certificate-data and then one empty space after it. The delimeter is an empty space. So the 6th field / column would be the certificate data

I’d recommend reading the man page and trying out examples

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. Sure thing