I am unable ssh to another hosts plese aolve my problem

see the above pictures what is password of anothe hosts??

It’s impossible from these pictures to determine the password of the remote server. Either the instructions had to mention the password, or it should be in the wiki somewhere.

Hello, @rakeshgurams999
It’s related to KKE tasks or from course?

actually i enrollled to day for kubernities course and i got free labs in that labs i am getting all these like above showned pictures…

Maybe provide a link to the lab, or the lab name so that other people can try it too :slight_smile:

I am not able switch to root user I dont no root user passwd and unable to connect to other as well

lab name:kub-cka-lightining-1-new

Try to ssh node01 or ssh root@node01. It’s a passwordless.

no, it is asking password after ssh root@node01

Can you please share screenshot?

omg its working thanks alot player001
and try solve this one as well

  1. not able to switch to root by giving $su - root

You’re already logged in as root. Run id in the terminal.

You can try sudo -i

To switch into the root user.
but I think you’re already logged in as root user. That’s why I told you to run id on terminal to know the actual user id/group information or run whoami to know the actual user name.

because that env is not configured in a way to display directory.
You can use **pwd** command, to know your presence, where you are.