I am stuck with statefulset and pvc - they both seem to be in a vicious circle w . . .

Zbigniew Małachowski:
I am stuck with statefulset and pvc - they both seem to be in a vicious circle waiting for each other, both staying in pending status. Any obvious reason for this?

From “describe statefulset”: Warning FailedScheduling 45m default-scheduler […] 2 node(s) didn’t find available persistent volumes to bind.
From “describe pvc”: waiting for pod mysql-0 to be scheduled

StatefulSet uses a PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate to generate pvc of particular StorageClass. The StorageClass I created uses “local” storage provider.

The yaml files for StorageClass, HeadlessService, StatefulSet are on <https://github.com/ZbyszekMM/StatefulSet.git|github here>.

Gonzalo Acosta:
Probably the PVC haven’t the correct label declared in the PersistentVolumeClaimTemplate . You must label the PVC and user the selector in PersistenVolumeClaimTemplate to call the correct PVC

Deepak Ladwa:
Is there way to delete an already bounded pv & pvc relation? considering that I want to do some changes on pvc

Hello, @Deepak Ladwa
This blog help you

Deepak Ladwa:
Thanks @Tej_Singh_Rana