How do I change the image on this deployment using the kubectl edit command? I h . . .

Adam Wilkinson:
How do I change the image on this deployment using the kubectl edit command? I have tried this but keep getting errors and there is no walk through video controlplane $ kubectl edit deployments.apps frontend simplewebapp image:kodekloud/webapp-color:v2
error: there is no need to specify a resource type as a separate argument when passing arguments in resource/name form (e.g. ‘kubectl get resource/<resource_name>’ instead of ‘kubectl get resource resource/<resource_name>’

k edit deployment doesn’t allow change name image from command line.

Execute k edit deployment frontend it will open a text editor and you can change the name of image

If you want change from command line use k set image command

try this kubectl set image deployment <deplyoment name> <container-name>=nginx:1.9.1 --record

Adam Wilkinson:
@Javier the task needs me to do it via edit

Adam Wilkinson:

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Adam Wilkinson:
Figured it out that took 40 minutes too long!! :exploding_head: kubectl edit deployments.apps/frontend

Jesus Arechiga Jimenez:
kubectl edit deployment frontend