How can i record deployment in v1.19.0 ---getting error --- kubectl create de . . .

Tahir Jemal:
How can i record deployment in v1.19.0 —getting error — kubectl create deployment nginx-deploy --image=nginx:1.16 --replicas=1 --record
Error: unknown flag: --record
See ‘kubectl create deployment --help’ for usage.

kubectl create deployment nginx-deploy --image=nginx:1.16 --dry-run=client -o yaml > deploy.yaml

kubectl create -f deploy.yaml --record
kubectl scale deploy deployName --replicas=3 --record

Tahir Jemal:

George Lazaroff:
Okay then, how you may verify if the deployment is recorded

George Lazaroff:
kubectl rollout history

@George Lazaroff

Tahir Jemal:
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx-deploy

George Lazaroff:
In exam we need to record our deployments?

Tahir Jemal:
@AB could you upgrade the image to nginx 1.117

Tahir Jemal:
am having ImagePullBackOff error

kubectl set image deploy nginx-deploy nginx=nginx:1.17 --record

nginx:1.117 exist?

@George Lazaroff yes if question ask us to do

Tahir Jemal:
What does this mean “nginx=nginx:1.17”

Tahir Jemal:
is it container name? or image name?

Sapan Kumar:
in “nginx=nginx:1.17”, nginx is the name of the container and nginx:1.17 is the image

Sapan Kumar:
@George Lazaroff you need to record only if the question says so