Hold on ... Im trying to quickly identify pod that have issue, like wrong image . . .

Laslo Pastor:
hold on … Im trying to quickly identify pod that have issue, like wrong image … can i just see the status of the pod … running is telling me that everything is fine , right ?

Abigail Marigza:
Right. When you run the get pods command, you can easily see if there was an error in pulling your image:

$ (minikube) kubectl get pods
NAME                      READY     STATUS         RESTARTS   AGE
client-5b65b6c866-cs4ch   1/1       Running        1          1m
fail-6667d7685d-7v6w8     0/1       ErrImagePull   0          <invalid>
vuejs-578574b75f-5x98z    1/1       Running        0          1d

Laslo Pastor:
yes , thanks for that … also if readiness failing it should be other than Running , right?

Laslo Pastor:
subquestion … shouls k get pods -A return that for all nodes in all namespaces ?

Hello, @Laslo Pastor
Yeah, Even you can list the node name as well.

k get pods -A -owide

and identify which pods got scheduled on which node.

Laslo Pastor:
this is what I’ve looking for kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --field-selector status.phase!=Running