Hi there - do you have any tips on becoming quicker? I'm fairly confident in get . . .

hi there - do you have any tips on becoming quicker? I’m fairly confident in getting to a solution, but I feel like I’d need a good 5mins more in the lightning exams to be able check if everyone works as it should. Not to happy with the idea of introducing aliases, since this means I can’t use tab completion anymore.
I’ll keep at it and work on my speed, but maybe there’s some trick I’m missing

Ninad Desai:
one trick would be to use bookmarks topic wise for quick reference

i have a bookmark file i can share if interested. I’d say that aliases will save more time than tab-completion but thats my pinion. Practice will make you faster, you really need to be able to read the question, know what needs to be done and go to it. There is not time for research. I passed the CKA first time, then failed the CKAD and didnt get to 5 questions, then took a week and did nothing but practice on kodekloud and killer.sh and passed the 2nd go. As for tab completion there is a way to make it work with aliases if that is of interest also


alias k=kubectl
complete -F __start_kubectl k


Priti Talukder:
@JohnC exam web terminal autocompletion doesn’t work with alias for some reason. I took exam today. it was horrible experience. last 25 min I couldn’t do anything as there was some node issue and I was escalating to proctor and he/she keep on repeating they have anything to do with exam content although I was struggling to get node back. then finally I have reset exam terminal but I lost all my flag questions and proctor didn’t give me extra time. He ended exam just in time.

Priti Talukder:
Can anyone suggest what should I do next ? I wrote part of survey but i don’t think it is effective

Priti Talukder:
Each questions has specific cluster ( It will mentioned part of exam question itself)

@Priti Talukder What was the node issue you faced and reason? any idea?

Ninad Desai:
you can raise ticket to CNCF support group for the same i guess . @Mohamed Ayman could you help her with support email id please