Hi there can someone tell me how to get things right at this task? I did create . . .

Nathanael Fuog:
Hi there can someone tell me how to get things right at this task?
I did create a yaml and applied it with k apply -f and the upgrade was just the change to the 1.17
i see the annotation:

    <http://deployment.kubernetes.io/revision|deployment.kubernetes.io/revision>: "2"
    <http://kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration|kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration>: |

but the question is failed anyway.

How comes?

Matthew Robinson:
Did you make the change with the --record parameter to record the command used to update the deployment?

Nathanael Fuog:
no, have to read about it , thanks

Mohamed Ayman:
Follow those steps please

kubectl create deployment --image=nginx:1.16 nginx-deploy --dry-run=client -o yaml > test.yaml
kubectl create -f test.yaml --record
kubectl set image deployment nginx-deploy nginx=nginx:1.17 --record
kubectl rollout history deployment nginx-deploy