Hi @Tej_Singh_Rana I have created K8s cluster with 2 Master 1 worker 1 lb for H . . .

Sunil Sharma:
Hi @Tej_Singh_Rana I have created K8s cluster with 2 Master 1 worker 1 lb for HA
I have installed haproxy in lb node, and configured everything but whenever I shutdown 1 master, services also also stoped it didn’t shift to other master.
As per course we need at least 3 master for HA? Is it correct?

Vinay Katukam:
Odd number of master(3, 5, 7…) is recommended as per quorum formula for HA, but for practice purspose we can use any number.

Sunil Sharma:
Hi @Vinay Singh i am unable to make it working any link where i can get some steps?

Are you trying kubernetes the hard way ?

Sunil Sharma:
No using Kubeadm

Was the load balancing ever worked between the masters ? or Is it a first time setup ?

Sunil Sharma:
its first time

Sunil Sharma:
@Broc how to test if HA is working or not ? i see service is running

Ah…sorry just noticed. It’s just 2 master isn’t it. It’s quorum as vinay said.

when you run “kubectl get componentstatuses” what do you get ? I believe both the etcd will show unhealthy. If the cluster needs to be fault tolerant, then etcd should have been distributed across three servers minimum.

Sunil Sharma:
I have destroyed that(lack of patience ) will start again in a while n let you know.

I prefer going the hard way. Bu you may need to make some changes in configurations to include master-3

Sunil Sharma:
oops i have installed with Kubeadm

Sunil Sharma: