Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth . Why should I use port specification when creating conta . . .

Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth . Why should I use port specification when creating container, as it will work without specifying it? What does it do additionally?

kubectl run httpd5 --image=httpd --port 80

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
@Mario you are telling explicitly to your container to listen on specific port so user accessing application running in that container or other system can access your application via that port number…

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
Some of the container by default listen on specific port as per how dockerfile built by using EXPOSE instruction

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
By passing port parameter you can overwrite default value

Thank you very much @Basavraj Nilkanthe for the explanation! :slightly_smiling_face:

Basavraj Nilkanthe:
You are most welcome