Hi ..... @Mumshad Mannambeth Sometimes, I am experiencing "Connection lost " for . . .

Roshan Ranasinghe:
Hi … @Mumshad Mannambeth Sometimes, I am experiencing "Connection lost " for some labs in KodeKloud Beta… 1 hour lab was terminated within 15 mins… This time it was in “Practice Test - Cluster Roles and Role Bindings” (Section 7- Security -158) …

Hello, @Roshan Ranasinghe
Can I know are you using VPN?

Roshan Ranasinghe:
yes… but not at that moment

Without VPN, still you’re getting disconnection issue?

Roshan Ranasinghe:
yes… but not always… My second attempts was ok…

Roshan Ranasinghe:
but my overall feedback is, most of the Labs are disconnected before time is elapsed …may be 5 ,10 or 15 mins… Sometimes it works fully

Roshan Ranasinghe:
@Tej_Singh_Rana now, section-7 - 165. Practice Test - Network Policy was disconnected 20 mins before