Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth can I also install Kubernetes on my Windows 10 LAPTOP usi . . .

sanjay varma uddaraju:
Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth can I also install Kubernetes on my Windows 10 LAPTOP using the “Docker for desktop” method or should I go ahead with the “Minikube setup”? Also, may I know the difference between the installation of the " Docker for desktop " and the “Minikube” setup? Does the Kubernetes work the same in both scenarios?

Mohamed Ayman:
Yes, the kubernetes work the same in both.

Mohamed Ayman:
There is no issue with the “Docker for desktop” to do practice but for the exam perspective, you should know how to install docker on the Linux system and need to know the kubeadm way.

sanjay varma uddaraju:
Thank you very much @Mohamed Ayman

Mohamed Ayman:
You’re welcome