Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth and the kodekloud team 🙂 I’ve passe . . .

Igor Kupczyński:
Hi @Mumshad Mannambeth and the kodekloud team :slightly_smiling_face: I’ve passed the CKA yesterday :slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for creating the course and the labs!

Igor Kupczyński:
I’ve done the course and then the labs 2-3 times. The lighthing lab and the mock exams were super useful. Except for the course I’ve done k8s-the-hard-way. I work with distributed systems but not with k8s.

Igor Kupczyński:
I wasn’t using tmux / screen, just vim and the in-browser notepad. It was enough. I haven’t had time to really go back and validated the answers and I’ve scored 84%.

Igor Kupczyński:
Thanks again :slightly_smiling_face: and good luck to all the students here! You can do it!

Mohamed Ayman:
Congratulations!! Well Done! :tada: