Hi, In the Lab - secure k8 dashboard, there is a question What secrets can you s . . .

Sateeshan Balakrishnan:
Hi, In the Lab - secure k8 dashboard, there is a question What secrets can you see under the kube-system namespace from the UI? Im able to see only one. is there a way to filter based on ns please?

Mumshad Mannambeth:
On the left hand side bar you will be able to select namespaces

Mumshad Mannambeth:
did you select the right namespace?

Sateeshan Balakrishnan:
yes Mumshad

Sateeshan Balakrishnan:
I selected the ns and in the following screen its events, resource quotas etc

Sateeshan Balakrishnan:
And if I click secrets I see only one secret

Sateeshan Balakrishnan:
I got this one. Sorry and thanks Mumshad