Hi , I ran the Vagrant from the kubernetes-the-hardway. I see that 5 instances . . .

Pratyush Ranjan Mishra:
Hi ,
I ran the Vagrant from the kubernetes-the-hardway. I see that 5 instances are running in my VM.
Now where to get the next steps. Do I need to install the Kubectl or how to go.
Appreciate your kind response.
I have completed the beginner’s course and started the administrator one.

Sathish Puranika K:
How did you see the 5 instances are running? You can install kubectl on master node and check is there any config present in ~/.kube/config. Then you can start with basic commands.

Pratyush Ranjan Mishra:
Thanks for your response Satish.
So, this is just for creating the VMs.
Now I need to understand and go step by step to create the nodes and services and deploy them.
How to start?

Pratyush Ranjan Mishra:
This is how it is showing.

@Pratyush Ranjan Mishra before any action read that https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/components/

after apply that https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/create-cluster-kubeadm/

Have a good one

Pratyush Ranjan Mishra:
Thanks a lot @Hinodeya. I will try.

Sathish Puranika K:
You can follow this to create cluster once you are ready : https://github.com/mmumshad/kubernetes-the-hard-way

Pratyush Ranjan Mishra:
I have checked out the code from here, but where is the code to create cluster and which host should I take this code to create cluster

Sathish Puranika K:
Go through the step by step documents present here : https://github.com/mmumshad/kubernetes-the-hard-way/tree/master/docs