Hi, I have a query related to ingress-controller. There is no example config ava . . .

Vasu P:
Hi, I have a query related to ingress-controller. There is no example config available in kubeterntes docs, it is always pointing to external docs. How do we get example config during the exam?

there it is https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/ingress-minikube/#create-an-ingress-resource

Vasu P:
Thank you for the reply, this is ingress resource, I looking for ingress-controller. https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress-controllers/

in exam the controller is present you just have to create a resource

AFAIK you will get a pre-configured ingress controller. You should know how to set up Ingress resources.

Vasu P:
that’s a relief, thank you @Strider, @Tej_Singh_Rana