Hi, i am new to kubernetes and started the CKA courses. One thing i don't unders . . .

Hi, i am new to kubernetes and started the CKA courses. One thing i don’t understand (especially with the deprecation of docker-shim) is how can i handle private container images with kubernetes? It seems the only kubernetes ressources for private registry is handled by docker (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/), but i fail to find ressources on how i’m supposed to handle that, espcially without docker?

Mariusz Gomse:
hi @Baptiste , nice to meet you!

So you are on the right link but I think you focused too much on docker info there

The clue is later in the doc and it is `

  - name: regcred

Mariusz Gomse:
in other words:
• to use private containers (from private registry) you need to provide information to k8s (exactly container-runtime) how it can download images
• you do it by imagePullSecrets parameter
• in this parameter as value you put all secrets with prepared credentials in a special format (type: <http://kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson|kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson>)

Mariusz Gomse:
the docker information at the beginning is just to be able to see the json created after login to the repository

Ok, im on something else right now, will look into this! Many thanks :slight_smile: