Hi Guys I am watching course "Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)" under co . . .

Sushil Kavi:
Hi Guys I am watching course “Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)” under core concepts section scaling replicaset the command mentioned Kubectl scale --replicas=5 -f replicaset-definition.yml does not work. If I run same command with the name of replicaset Kubectl scale replicaset --replicas=6 new-replica-set . Are these both commands suppose to work

Jernej Zidar:
Seems you’re using Kubectl instead of kubectl. Notice the difference in the capitalization.

Sushil Kavi:
I was not aware of this is case sensitive will try with small letters

Jernej Zidar:
As a general tip you can assume everything in Linux is case sensitive.

Sushil Kavi:
Thanks a lot

Jernej Zidar:
Happy to help!