Hi guys, I am stuck on this question in Lab for ReplicaSet. Can someone pls give . . .

Oleg Riabtsev:
Hi guys,
I am stuck on this question in Lab for ReplicaSet. Can someone pls give me a clue which command I suppose to run to fix the apiVersion of ReplicaSet? Thanks!

Mumshad Mannambeth:
Hey have you checked the hint and solutions tab at the top?

Hinodeya learn:
@Mumshad Mannambeth:grin:

Mumshad Mannambeth:
Use the vi editor to edit the file and change the apiVersion.

Oleg Riabtsev:
Thanks @Mumshad Mannambeth! I am not a linux guy, didn’t figure out about vi editor. I was able to proceed :slight_smile:

Mumshad Mannambeth:
No worries @Oleg Riabtsev…