Hi folks, I have a question regarding kodekloud terminal sessions. How can I sen . . .

André Letterer:
Hi folks, I have a question regarding kodekloud terminal sessions. How can I send marked string to the clipboard without using mouse with right click and copy? For paste I already found it is possible with CTRL+SHIFT+V, but for copying CTRL+SHIFT+C doesn’t work for me, as it calls the browser developer tools unfortunately. Any ideas?

Abhinav Thakur:
You can consider trying the Vim editor for this. By entering the command mode, you can simply use ‘y’ to copy the marked text. (afaik)

André Letterer:
Yes, that’s right, however that doesn’t apply for copying results from the terminal itself. Just thought it would be possible just to mark a certain string and then press a hotkey and it would be in clipboard…