Hi folks, do you know if deployment AutoScaling topic is included in CKAD? I fou . . .

Mert Alnuaimi:
Hi folks, do you know if deployment AutoScaling topic is included in CKAD? I found this question on a well known medium article about CKAD and got confused.

80. Apply the autoscaling to this deployment with minimum 10 and maximum 20 replicas and target CPU of 85% and verify hpa is created and replicas are increased to 10 from 1


Madhan Kumar:
We should create a hpa . Check this link . Not sure if its part of the syllabus …https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale-walkthrough/|https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale-walkthrough/