Hi Everyone, I have completed the CKA exam and I am very happy as I have put a l . . .

Hi Everyone, I have completed the CKA exam and I am very happy as I have put a lot of time into getting this done. I’d like to thank @Mumshad Mannambeth for the outstanding online course material he put together. I used to be an instructor myself for a few years and the overall quality of this course material is one of the best I have ever seen. The following things have helped me to get this done:

• Building my own Kubernetes Cluster
• Do time trials to make sure I do not only know it but can do it quickly
• Create aliases
• Use the kubernetes Cheat Sheet doc during the exam. https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/
Good luck to everybody getting this done as this should be a valuable certification for many years!
CertifiedKubernetesAdministratorCertificate.pdf (701 KB)

Mohamed Ayman:
Congratulations!! Thanks for sharing your experience!