Hi, during my time working on K8's i have faced an issue several times where the . . .

shubham mandhare:
Hi, during my time working on K8’s i have faced an issue several times where the pods, or the namespaces get stuck in terminating state. The only way to get rid of them is to delete the finalisers on the live resource. But there are various ways to do it and at times it might work or it might not. If such a situation is faced in the exam, is there a way to tackle it?

Apaar Sharma:
Try deleting with the --grace-period 0 and --force flag, plus even if it terminates after a while, it should not be an issue, the environment of your exam stays alive for 24 hours and is evaluated periodically in that 24 hours, the reason why you get you result after that time. Similar to the killer shell simulator environment.