Hi all, I have 3 questions.1 . Can anyone please help me to expand the PVC when . . .

Abhishek Pattanaik:
Hi all, I have 3 questions.1 . Can anyone please help me to expand the PVC when its bound and pod is using the PVC . Assume the PVC and PV has the same size(1GB) and the storage class is enabled for expansion. In that case how I can expand the PVC to 2GB and record. Is that possible considering PV size is 1GB? 2. When we upgrade the kubeadm cluster do I need to take the backup of the pod/service which was not controlled by replicaset/staticpods before running the “kubectl drain controlplane” 3. How to perform the back up and restore of etcd in kubeadm cluster when etcd runs in a different vm/node?

Ravi Singh:
3. We can provide --endpoint=[DIFFERENT_VM_IP:2379] along with --cacrt --ca --key for backup.