Hi all, i could use busybox and nginx on port 80 to test connectivity. what if . . .

Wong Song Ern:
Hi all, i could use busybox and nginx on port 80 to test connectivity.
what if i want to test network policy on port 8080 or 9000. which image should i use?

Madhan Kumar:
You can just expose the ports you need either in the dockerfile used to build the image or on the yaml used to run the pod if you don’t have access to the docker file to rebuild the image . But making sure that the port you are exposing is being used by the apps inside the image may need additional configuration inside your image . Exposing ports does not mean that the apps running inside the image will bind to them …

Fuat Ulugay:
you can use netcad to listen any port

Fuat Ulugay:
and connect to any port

Fuat Ulugay:
sample listening mode

Fuat Ulugay:
nc -l 8080

Fuat Ulugay:
connect to the ip like this

Fuat Ulugay:
nc IP port

Fuat Ulugay:
whatever you write from connected client

Fuat Ulugay:
will be displayed in the listening nc