Hi all, Because Time Management is crucial during CKAD exam I am looking for way . . .

Damian Zydek:
Hi all,
Because Time Management is crucial during CKAD exam I am looking for way to get definition of running pod, but without properties which have default values (clutter).
I found this https://github.com/itaysk/kubectl-neat , but it is additional tool.
Do you have any suggestions?

Madhan Kumar:
Vim has a build in search . That is all we need .

Damian Zydek:
Thank you for your answer.

Vim search is great in fast searching for particular property value, but it doesn’t help in fast exploration of which resource properties has been set during resource creating.

I thought that ‘vimdiff <explored-pod-definition> <default-pod-definition>’ might be helpful in this usecase, but it requires <default-pod> in cluster which should be a pod with a minimal definition (only name and image, others properties should be default).

I will be grateful to see other suggestions.

Madhan Kumar:
For the exam basic grep nd search built within vim was good enough… I didn’t have a need for anything else …

Damian Zydek:
Thx for sharing your experience.
If there will be no other suggestions then I will stick with yours: vim search + grep

Madhan Kumar:
some commands that might be of assistance to you

Madhan Kumar:


Madhan Kumar:
kubectl top node --sort-by=‘memory’ --no-headers | head -1