Hey guys, I wonder why `extensions` is needed in a role linked to `deployments` . . .

Jonathan Forget:
Hey guys, I wonder why extensions is needed in a role linked to deployments resources. Why deployments is not enough there ?

- apiGroups: ["extensions", "apps"]
  # at the HTTP level, the name of the resource for accessing Deployment
  # objects is "deployments"
  resources: ["deployments"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete"]

Fernando Jimenez:
extensions is just a back compatibility thing. It might not be necessary. Deployments used to belong to that group

Jonathan Forget:
Okay I was wondering that, in both example (K8s doc and KubeKloud) it is present.
Looking through the APIs endpoint tho I don’t see a reason tho.
Thank you