Hey guys, during the CKAD some how setting this value below does not worked fo . . .

Hariprasad S:
Hey guys, during the CKAD some how setting this value below does not worked for auto completion. This was taken from kubectl cheatsheet

alias k=kubectl
complete -F __start_kubectl k

vikas mahajan:
Ohh … were you able to do copy paste from cheat sheet ??

Hariprasad S:
yes we can do that

Apaar Sharma:
@Hariprasad S copy paste with the mouse works ? or just insert + V

Hariprasad S:
i used mac, so command + v worked. i think all the yaml definitions from the http://kubernetes.io/docs|kubernetes.io/docs can be copied from the browser to terminal with insert mode on in vim

Apaar Sharma:
@Hariprasad S can I do a right click paste ? like the kodeCloud labs ?

Hariprasad S:
i have not tried for the paste.

Apaar Sharma:
okay, thanks !!

Apaar Sharma:
@Hariprasad S did you source .bashrc after adding the alias?

Hariprasad S:
yes i did, the alias worked but not the autocompletion

Apaar Sharma:

source <(kubectl completion bash)

tried this ?

Hariprasad S:
no i did not try

Hariprasad S:
but this is not even worked in kodekloud lab environment

Shwetha Shenoy V:
did you set it on the terminal directly or in the .bashrc?

Shwetha Shenoy V:
If you set it on the session, it should be reflected immediately. But if you set it in the .bashrc file, you will need to source it first.

Hariprasad S:
i think i did both. But let me try again