Hey, a quick question regarding deprecation of docker in kubernetes. Previously . . .

Hey, a quick question regarding deprecation of docker in kubernetes.

Previously, I found myself having to inspect logs of certain containers, or exec into them via docker. At this point I don’t recall the circumstances of why I didn’t just use kubectl directly. But, I imagine in certain situations logging/exec-ing into a container might be very useful. Say, the kubeapi is down, and you want to troubleshoot pods that are launched by kubelet via manifest files. How would you approach that situation, given that you can’t use kubectl, and docker cli is not an option(say we are directly using containerd, instead of dockershim+docker+containerd)

Just shortly after I posted the question, I was able to find the answer… You can use crictl to accomplish the same tasks: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/debug-application-cluster/crictl/