@here in lightening lab, while taking backup of etcd => `etcdctl` command not . . .

@here in lightening lab, while taking backup of etcd => etcdctl command not found, do we have any link on docs that can be used to install etcdctl ?

Ravi Cheetirala:
apt install etcdctl or apt-get install etcdctl should install

Hello, @Satyawan
You can install via apt-get install -y etcd-client

I’d be very wary of installing etcdctl using apt or yum because they are often different versions from the etcd that is running. I’ve run into issues where this led to corrupt restores. More details here - https://kodekloud.slack.com/archives/CHMV3P9NV/p1606844204156600?thread_ts=1606843636.155800&cid=CHMV3P9NV

Thank you all