Hello, what this is wrong? mountPath : /opt/time , is where my volume is mounted . . .

Edith Puclla:
Hello, what this is wrong? mountPath : /opt/time , is where my volume is mounted in the container, so why the command can’t fine that file. (I am using minikube)

Navish Bahl:
I saw this question in the labs. My understanding is that file was created in the labs for us (an empty one in all likelihood). We just overwrote it. If you don’t have it in your cluster, you need to create that file first.
I could be wrong but that’s my hunch.

Fernando Jimenez:
Notice the upper case -C. It should be lower case -c

Edith Puclla:
yay, thank you so much, it it lower case, thank you @rm @Fernando Jimenez @Navish Bahl :slight_smile:

Edith Puclla:
@Navish Bahl we are creating the file with that command inside the container. In this file we will storage logs

Edith Puclla:
This will be mount in the host in this location:

  - name: a-vol
    emptyDir: {}

I don’t know what it means: in a empty directory, but we don’t have a PATH there, we just have an empty directory, I am not sure about this.

Fernando Jimenez:
What’s your doubt, @Edith Puclla? That’s correct. Are you still wondering why the previous error?

Edith Puclla:
sorry this is another doubt about the emptyDir

Edith Puclla:
in this line:

  - name: a-vol
    emptyDir: {}

Edith Puclla:
This is for my host, I am not adding a PATH, just an emptyDir, does it means that I will save the file in the root / of my localhost?

Edith Puclla:
Thank you in advance Fernando :slightly_smiling_face:

Fernando Jimenez:
emptyDir will do create an empty directory in the node hosting the pod. In that way you can mount it and write to it files.

Edith Puclla:
I got it!!!