Hello folks , Ensure a single instance of pod is running on each node of the ku . . .

Hello folks ,

Ensure a single instance of pod is running on each node of the kubernetes cluster –> Is master node also considered as part of the nodes? Should we also make sure a pod runs on the master node as well since that is also listed in the get nodes command
@Tej_Singh_Rana @Mumshad Mannambeth

I think all you need is a Daemonset .
it will also respect the tolerations / taints

@RG Yes agreed that daemonset should be used. The question is if i should add tolerations to the daemonset to make sure it runs on master as well ? By default it wont tolerate the taint on the master .

I wouldn’t, unless specified.
Because in real-world deployments, it is a best practise to leave the control plane alone.
even in the managed k8s services, we normally cannot access the control plane

Thanks @RG