Hello everyone , why am I not able to get output when I run "service kubelet sta . . .

I Malla:
Hello everyone , why am I not able to get output when I run “service kubelet status” and also “pa aux | grep kubelet” has no output in mock exam 3 last question and in control plane failure lab .
But static pod are created as per file in /etc/kubernetes/manifests.

Malayamanas Panda:
@I Malla run systemctl status kubelet.service

I Malla:

can you please check this command from node01 or 02. Looks like controlplane it is disabled.

I Malla:
Checked and controlplane has static pod running but no kubelet … and other node has kubelet but no staticfilepath in /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml …but can create static pod in node also when pod manifest kept in /etc/kubernetes/manifests.
How is it possible … I think it’s strange