Hello everyone, i running the docker image for postgres:9.4 and does run without . . .

Joel Talom:
Hello everyone, i running the docker image for postgres:9.4 and does run without error. but when checking with docker ps i do not see the process

Joel Talom:
does anyone have an idea what this is happening ?

Joel Talom:
look like i am not able to docker image for postgres. it is because the 9.4 is not supported anymore ?

Joel Talom:
I have many different version but still can’t find the process running for postgres

Al West:
Okay so there are a few things you can do to see the issue you are facing. First you can run the docker container in the foreground, drop the -d:

docker run --name=db postgres:9.4

Or if you want to run in the background and when the container exits you can see the exit containers using:

docker ps -a

Then you can view the logs, ie for container 477870cdf8df:

docker logs 477

And then you will see what your issue is.

Joel Talom:
Thanks I will check it

Hi @Joel Talom mostly the container might have exited. As AI West suggested, try to run docker ps -a
Looks like postgres:9.4 version is not supported now. you may try latest version of postgres
ie, docker run --name=db postgres


Joel Talom:
look like i need to specify the superuser password for the database. In the video tutorial with the version 9.4 none of that is required

Joel Talom:
here is the command that work finally.

ocker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
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Joel Talom:
thanks to all