Has anyone done GameofPod Voting?

Priti Talukder:
Has anyone done GameofPod Voting?

Priti Talukder:
All pods are running except:
db-deployment and worker:

Create new deployment. name: 'db-deployment'
image: 'postgres:9.4'
Volume Type: 'EmptyDir'
Volume Name: 'db-data'
mountPath: '/var/lib/postgresql/data'
status: 'Running'

Priti Talukder:

Create new deployment. name: 'worker'
image: 'kodekloud/examplevotingapp_worker'
status: 'Running'

Priti Talukder:
Created successfully but not running as

  Type     Reason     Age                   From               Message
  ----     ------     ----                  ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled  24m                   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned vote/worker-68b67cc7d9-f2xnk to node01
  Normal   Created    23m (x4 over 23m)     kubelet, node01    Created container worker
  Normal   Started    23m (x4 over 23m)     kubelet, node01    Started container worker
  Normal   Pulling    22m (x5 over 24m)     kubelet, node01    Pulling image "kodekloud/examplevotingapp_worker"
  Normal   Pulled     21m (x5 over 23m)     kubelet, node01    Successfully pulled image "kodekloud/examplevotingapp_worker"
  Warning  BackOff    3m57s (x85 over 23m)  kubelet, node01    Back-off restarting failed container

Hello, @Priti Talukder
need to define env field in database deployment:

            - name: POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD
              value: trust

Tried the image below with and without quotes, single quotes. Same error.


kubectl create deployment test --image=“kodekloud/examplevotingapp_worker”

The Deployment “test” is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[0].name: Invalid value: “examplevotingapp_worker”: a DNS-1123 label must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or ‘-’, and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. ‘my-name’, or ‘123-abc’, regex used for validation is ‘a-z0-9?’)

Hello, @jake_h
Underscore(_) is not a correct naming convention for container’s name. Try to replace it or remove it.

Please note snapshot showing the image name with the underscore. I don’t understand how the folks above managed to get it to work with the underscore. :

There is no issue with the image name. By default, the container name takes the image name.
So issue in the container name.

kubectl create deploy test --image=kodekloud/examplevotingapp_worker --dry-run -oyaml

Run above command and check in the container name.
By default, the container name takes the image name.

Got it.
I hope the CKA exam does not have that kind of pitfalls…