Guys iam trying to troubleshoot kube-apiserver startup issue not sure how to che . . .

guys iam trying to troubleshoot kube-apiserver startup issue not sure how to check logs to kube-apiserver in case it fails

  1. usually logs are present in /var/log/pods/kube-apiserver but in lab this pata didnt exists
  2. docker ps -a | grep kube-apiserver — as kube-apiserver pod didnt started so there is no docker conatiner

please suggest how to troble shoot kube-apiserver startup issues

Mohamed Ayman:
make sure that the status of API container “it should be up”, then use -f option docker logs -f <container id>

that is what iam saying container wont be running as there will be issue with kube-apiserver configuration

in that scenario where should we check

Sorry “Happy eid”

Mohamed Ayman:
Thanks :blush::blush:

Mohamed Ayman:
Can you try this command
$ tail -f /var/log/kube-apiserver.log

t5his log file is not there in lab env

can we explicilty memnetnion kube-apiserver log path

Hi Sunil… Please try all the below options to pull the logs.

kubectl logs <pod-name> --previous
kubectl describe pod <pod-name>

docker ps | grep api-server
docker logs <container id>

docker events --until 0m | grep api-server
docker events --until 0m | grep api-server | grep die

Use journalctl to pull api-server logs (not sure we can use similar command like kubelet below)

journalctl -u kubelet -f

docker events is showing logs going in “logpath=/var/log/pods/kube-system_kube-apiserver-controlplane_e102c123a174fba40b89398ba441e194/kube-apiserver/4.log”

but i guess they didint mounted that in lab

thanks for command

@Mohamed Ayman can you please confirm