Guys, are Readiness and Liveness probes on CKA?

Bryan Tanoue:
Guys, are Readiness and Liveness probes on CKA?

Fernando Jimenez:

Bryan Tanoue:
Thank You. I found this question on someones site:

Bryan Tanoue:

Create a pod box0 with image busybox and command sleep 30; touch /tmp/debug; sleep 30; rm /tmp/debug. The pod should not be ready until the file /tmp/debug is available in the pod. If the file doesn't exist, the pod must restart.

Bryan Tanoue:
I didn’t really learn about liveness probes in the class, but knew about them from OpenShift.

Fernando Jimenez:
At this time, readiness and liveness probes are the domain of the CKAD, but not the CKA.

Bryan Tanoue:
Thanks Fernando!

Bryan Tanoue:
I have one more question.

Bryan Tanoue:

kubectl create deployment deploy01 --image=nginx --record=true 

Bryan Tanoue:
I keep getting:

Bryan Tanoue:

Error: unknown flag: --record

Bryan Tanoue:
But the help file says --record is an option. Any ideas?

Fernando Jimenez:
Yeah. The --record flag only works for objects that you have already created and you are editing. It will place the whole command in an annotation in the object. But kubectl create deploy doesn’t make sense since you are creating it and not modifying it.

Bryan Tanoue:

Ahh.  OK, this makes sense.  So say I did

Fernando Jimenez:
You can use it as kubectl edit deploy <deploy-name> --record

Bryan Tanoue:
kubectl set image deployment/deploy01 nginx=nginx:dev --record

Fernando Jimenez:

Bryan Tanoue:
Since the deployment is there, it will then annotate. Now it makes way more sense. I was wondering why the revision 1 was blank and trying to figure out a way to capture my imperative command.

Fernando Jimenez:
The set image is editing in place the image and with --record you’ll see your command given in the annotation.

Bryan Tanoue:
It’s nice to know that kubectl edit works as well, since I’ve done that as a short cut.