Game of pods labs - Redis island


I am trying to use lab for Redis island under Game of pods , but lab is not loading …
i am trying to do ssh to node01 and its printing same messages everytime. Last week it has same issues, but i was in impression , it will be fixed , but today also same issue. can you please check and help to fix it , so that i can complete this lab.

controlplane $ ssh node01
Warning: Permanently added ‘node01,’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Please wait until the environment is ready before opening a new terminal
Connection to node01 closed.
controlplane $ kubectl get nodes
controlplane Ready master 92s v1.18.0
node01 Ready 63s v1.18.0
controlplane $ ssh node01
Please wait until the environment is ready before opening a new terminal
Connection to node01 closed.
controlplane $ ssh node01
Please wait until the environment is ready before opening a new terminal
Connection to node01 closed.
controlplane $ ssh node01
Please wait until the environment is ready before opening a new terminal
Connection to node01 closed.
controlplane $ ssh node01
Please wait until the environment is ready before opening a new terminal
Connection to node01 closed.
controlplane $ ssh node01
Please wait until the environment is ready before opening a new terminal
Connection to node01 closed.
controlplane $ ssh node01
Please wait until the environment is ready before opening a new terminal
Connection to node01 closed.
controlplane $ ssh node01

Hello @yogesh.sethi15,
Sorry for this inconvenience caused. I forwarded the issue to one of our team members.

KodeKloud Support

Hi @yogesh.sethi15 ,

Thank you for your patience. Could you please try this once more and let me know if you are still facing this issue?
This time around could you please wait for a while before ssh’ing into the node01 (a minute would be enough).

Kodekloud Support

Hi DInesh,

Thanks for your help. I waited for more than 10 minutes before trying. Did not worked.
But yeah, i was able to do it today without any issues .
Thank You :slight_smile:

Hi, I am having the same issue. Can you please let me know what was the fix.

This is error I get

controlplane $ ssh node01
Warning: Permanently added 'node01,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Please wait until the environment is ready before opening a new terminal
Connection to node01 closed.```

Hi @rajeev.ramani ,
Can you please share the lab link?

KodeKloud Support

This is the lab link