For taking backup and restore, what if, etcdctl will not be available on master . . .

Mayur Sharma:
For taking backup and restore, what if, etcdctl will not be available on master and only on worker node. Should we initiate backup and restore from worker node? please advice how to proceed in this case. Thanks

Malayamanas Panda:
You can scp etcdctl from worker into master , then run inside master.

Mayur Sharma:
@Malayamanas Panda what do you mean by scp etcdctl?

Malayamanas Panda:
@Mayur Sharma This would work only-if scp command is available in both master and worker nodes.

While in master node

mkdir $HOME/.bin
scp $(whoami)@IP_OF_WORKER:/path/to/etcdctl $HOME/.bin/

chmod +x $HOME/.bin/etcdctl

export PATH=“$HOME/.bin:$PATH”

ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl …


ETCDCTL_API=3 $HOME/.bin/etcdctl …

@Mayur Sharma if etcdctl is not present you need to install the client for debian apt install etcd-client

you have to check if etcd running as a daemon

systemctl status etcd

Normally if installed on the master node it runs as a pod