Folks, whatever I do, I cannot about this error "line 17: found character that c . . .

Jay Taylor:
Folks, whatever I do, I cannot about this error “line 17: found character that cannotstart any token” - basically I have to fix every single line when I copy paste in VI. I have tried Visual Mode - pls help. I know this is ridiculously basic, but I cannot get it right.

Cheng-Lung Sung:
type :% s,\t, ,g

Try :set paste to copy paste in VI editor.

Alternatively you can force spaces as tabs with :set expandtab and then force a :retabto change all existing tabs. A few keystrokes that save current and upcoming headaches.

Jay Taylor:
appreciate it guys ! I’ll try this

Jay Taylor:
@Paolo I like your trick the best !!! Thank you all